Fully automated custom imaging system from Prior Scientific

Building custom microscopes for highly specialized applications

Commercial microscopes often provide a perfect base for a customized microscope. There are hundreds of models available to choose from and thousands of third-party components – including Prior's high-quality motorized components.

However, commercial microscopes have restraints. Because they are not designed as a platform for customization there are limits to what you can achieve. So, while the microscope frame may be modular, adding features such as light source inputs or additional camera outputs can be problematic.

These constraints often make it difficult to transition early-stage projects from prototype to a commercial product.

Don’t compromise on your requirements

Prior’s OpenStand was designed to provide a high-performance, fully motorized microscope base that is ready for integration with Prior’s standard products, third-party components, and even custom-designed components. Working with Prior’s expert team ensures that there are no compatibility issues. Working with Prior's expert team ensures there are no compatibility issues. Prior’s SDK is open access for easy software development. By building a relationship with Prior through Openstand you are not forced to rewrite any software to maintain compatibility as the project evolves. Once your concept system has been proven, OpenStand is easily transformed into a customized, market-ready instrument that meets your functional, aesthetic, and financial requirements.

Learn more about OpenStand.

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